Scholars’ Roles and Responsibilities

Scholars’ Roles and Responsibilities#

As a scholar in the Impact Scholars Program, you play a crucial role in the success of your project and the overall program.

Here are your key responsibilities:

  1. Active Participation:

  • Actively participate in group meetings, discussions, and project-related activities.

  • Contribute ideas and insights to advance the project in collaboration with your team members.

  1. Timely Completion of Tasks:

  • Complete your assigned tasks in a timely manner to ensure the progress of the project. Collaborate with your team to meet project milestones and deadlines.

  • Mentors will help break down the project into manageable tasks and ensure each student has a clear responsibility. This is done collaboratively, considering each scholar’s strengths and interests. A shared document will be provided for tracking tasks, ensuring transparency and accountability.

  1. Scheduling:

  • Mentors will meet with scholars twice a month, finding a suitable time for the entire group.

  • Scholars can schedule additional meetings among themselves if necessary, beyond the required meetings with mentors. Mentors have the flexibility to cancel and reschedule meetings in case of holidays or other commitments of both mentors and scholars.

  1. Engagement with Mentors:

  • Seek guidance from mentors on project tasks and responsibilities.

  • Clarify project goals and objectives with mentors to ensure alignment.

  • Ask for assistance with problem-solving and decision-making related to the project.

  • Request feedback on your work and be open to suggestions for improvement.

  • Seek support in managing your time and workload effectively.